tawhirirmatea started a wonder project. Autunm name is high rockets. So we got onto groups and what we did as we started making a rocket but then Mrs Hall said we can make to rocket each. So our group is starting to make another rocket and we are going to testing tomorrow. The method to test which one is better is compare the two together and see which one goes higher and flies further. We may barometers and where the veins and water cycle to test what the weather is. We need to see which way the wind goes so we can point the rocket with the wind so it goes flies further and tired and as well so it doesn't go in anyone's face is so they stand behind the rocket. A rocket is in the middle of our group and it is painted sky blue and golden. In our group is Declan Christabel Amber kane and Myself. We made safety posters ID cards and business cards for team. And there five other groups. Pain is a mechanical engineer in mission control. Amber is the rocket designer and the health and safety adviser. Declan is the astronaut and the chemist. Christobel is the environment scientist in the test pilot. And last but not least I am the materials engineer and the mechanical engineer.
Remember to include in your post:
* What this task is.
* Why you did it and what you learned.
* Something you enjoyed.
* Something you are still wondering about.